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How Activities Bring Us Joy and Sadness”How Activities Connect to Joy and Sadness

Joy and Sadness

A relationship is when two or more things have a connection. We have emotions and feelings tha ”attach” to the actions. Some actions are pleasurable, others upsetting.

Take for instance the act of gaming, Many tend to feel elation in themselves when they emerge successfully at the task. At other instances sadness is core, if losing is the outcome.

Activities bring out feelings of various kinds. There are pleasurable activities which bring about happiness. But at times even those may evoke negative emotions.

How Activities Make Us Feel Happy

Joy is something that comes from activities. In them we find and they fill our hearts with the love of life. One such way is that of playing with one’s mates. Tag, we run around, laugh, and are giddy and light. Games do make us feel good. A grin would cross our faces as we would win a match. Pride accompanies victory. The more we engage in such play, the more the enjoyment increases. Such activity brings air and enjoyment to the inside. Such joys include running fast, jumping high, and catching the winds.

Finding Joy and Comfort in Art, Music, Family, and Helping Others

Relief also comes with arts in the form of drawing, coloring, or creating crafts. While making such things, ideas come to us; this is what inventing means. Our emotions are reflected in our creations. Joy’s best friends are paints. Through sound, our ears are pleased. Through action, bringing music to life  with body and or limbs  there is joy. Joy is in the rhythm of sounds. These emotions are also directed towards fellow family members. Engaging in games with family is cozily comfortable. Together, as one unit, sharing things gives joy.

Even other people’s feelings can bring joy. Strength is gained by helping a friend. We derive great satisfaction in rendering service to others. There is pleasure in giving your toys to playmates. Antiochus and I bring joy to each other when we need to accomplish something. Completeness of something big makes one feel achieved. It is satisfying to struggle and give one’s best.

Why Some Activities Bring Us Sadness

There are certain events that cause any human being to experience sadness. Sadness is rather dark and slow in nature. When we engage in competitive interaction and loss of a game, it generates sadness in us. When one loses, they tend to feel insignificant. It is painful to be on the loosing end. Appearing to be the audience and watching people win can at times make a person feel ignored. At times, this does not happen as others may prevent us from joining them. The need to belong and to be accepted enhances such feelings. In most instances, such situations make people cry. Such emotions are common.

Hard Work, Sadness, and the Weight of Missing Friends”

Hard work does not guarantee that one will not be dejected. Winning can provoke pain and Sadness. And other times, we often fall short of success no matter what. Defeat isn’t easily brushed off. We feel weighed down. One’s spirits may flag. Giving up maybe an option for them. However, we are tempestuously inclined to feel low but we can always make another attempt. There is always the ability to rise up. We experience melancholy because of the distance that exists between us and friends. In fact, playing by oneself may be just as boring as playing with other people. Engagements that revolve around self, are lonely.

At times, departing from a cherished person can be painful. when comrades go away, there is a sense of lack. There is a sense of longing. We begin to feel upset thinking about all the great memories we had with our friends who are not around. This kind of emptiness is quite a weight. We yearn for the happiness they brought us back.

Finding a Balance Between Happiness and Sadness in Undertakings

Although some activities lead to sadness, there is always a corresponding counterbalancing joy. After all, losing does not take away the enjoyment that one gets from the game. With each game played, improvement is guaranteed. What is more, loss is an experience beneficial in teaching how to put in more effort. We are taught how to overcome difficulties. Winning is also enjoyable even if we do not turn out to be victorious at the end. The effort is often pleasing. It is not a bad thing being on the losing end of things every once in a while.

  • Experience teaches us best.
  • Learning from experience includes making mistakes.
  • Trying new things is encouraged.
  • Each attempt brings improvement.
  • Activities help us feel both pleasure and pain.
  • Sadness can be eased by remembering happy times.
  • Every frown is balanced with a fond memory.
  • Friends help us express our emotions.
  • Friends listen and give comfort.
  • Shared happiness grows; shared sorrow becomes lighter.
  • Friends make emotions easier to handle.
  • We also know that life goes beyond these moments.

Frequently  Asked Questions

What is joy and how do activities induce it?

Joy is a state of happiness. Engaging in enjoyable activities such as dancing and playing games makes one feel happy.

 What makes some of the events provoking sadness?

We become upset when we come second, we feel excluded from a group or if we lose someone. Such instances are normal.

Is it possible to experience both joy and sadness in the course of one activity?

Certainly! And also, it can be sad too when someone loses but there is always fun in trying out and playing with the rest.

How can we improve on the feeling of sadness?

We can call friends, recollect joyous moments or play again to feel better.

Why is it that both joy and sadness are of equal importance?

Joy gives pleasure while sadness is educational. Both build resilience.


We find pleasure in certain activities while at the same time they make us sad, and all those activities include playing, drawing, or singing in which smiling and happiness comes with. However, losing, putting much effort in a task and even saying bye makes one sad. Both are felt because they exist in life. That is, sadness in its natural way does magnify the pleasure experienced during joyful times. Joy invigorates, while sadness renders us vulnerable. Both emotions are paramount for development. 

There are several activities that can help us in such enjoyment of life. Each of the activities offers a certain teaching. Happiness is good in that it gives enjoyment. Anger is good it makes one intelligent. The two emotions act as pillars in our transformation.


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