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Hobbes, Does He has a Positive or Negative Relationship

"Hobbes’ Views on Society Positive or Negative Relationship''

Hobbes, Does He has a Positive or Negative Relationship “Hobbes’ Views on Society Positive or Negative Relationship”

A collection of individuals, ideas, or objects can also be referred to as a relationship. It can portray how they engage or influence one another. In this interest, we look at how Hobbes relates with others.

Does Hobbes bring peace or does he breed conflict? The question is fascinating. Let us show whether he had a positive or negative influence.

Hobbes is one of the most celebrated thinkers. He lectures on man and politics. His thoughts are applicable to both extents.

Who Was Thomas Hobbes?

Thomas Hobbes genesis date is 1588. He was an English philosopher. The most popular work of Hobbes is in many ways exactly the Leviathan. Hobbes was indeed an interesting person with people and the society surrounding him. A person as placid and benign as Hobbes could not conceive that men as arrogant and selfish as Mankind would allow peace-loving Alfred, Charles or Edward to rule over them.

Thomas Hobbes And His Ideas About Humanity

Hobbes, Does He has a Positive or Negative Relationship

Hobbes was male centric and ethnocentrically felt that women were unnatural and evil. Envy was one of the elements upon which Hobbes believed formulated this reasoning. For Hobbes, if one is evil, and selfish and their dictatorial rule cannot be limits because, life is boring.

This sociological aspect coined the phrase as the ‘state of nature’ acknowledging the rat race for survival in existence. Within such state, there is civil war and naked greed. This optimistic view of man was not in any given way that of Hobbes. Man, according to him, is a savage being capable of the most horrendous acts of war without the assistance of the government.

The State of Nature

The state of nature is the most basic idea of how Hobbes understood life to be without any ideologies or a system of governance. He reasoned that this social contract is not to be relied on for stability. The reason is that in this state, everyone is going to fight tooth and nail to fulfill his or her needs. It would be a world without people to call the police let alone judge other people’s actions.

People will be living under a dodgy cover. Fears and terror will reign, Gali says. To Hobbes, the description of culture could be put in two words – Fear and Terror.

The Need for Strong Authority Gets Emphasized Always

If Hobbes is to be meaningful, it means that a government is necessary for people to be governed. That is all who are governed and those who govern. Otherwise, it will be pure anarchy and no one will be safe. To Hobbes, it is imperative that subjects forgo certain rights and freedoms in the hope of their preservation and the dominance of a powerful ruler. That ravenous beast could be a king and his court or an apparatus of government.

Hobbes’ studies on Socius

Hobbes believed that society could thrive only if there are rules to govern it. He was overly opposed to free play, especially to the lower echelons of society. It was even added that in the absence of the strong hand of the ruler, which was to impose order, there was only anarchy among the people as they turned on each other and killed each other.

Hobbes, Does He has a Positive or Negative Relationship

This is how Hobbes viewed the world; there were laws that regulated social order because such laws were needed to prevent a situation where no order would exist. Yet, the ruler himself must be a conqueror.

The Social Contract

The concept of the social contract is another pivotal exposition of Hobbes. It is stated in such terms that people choose to yield a degree of their freedom to some head or a person in command for purposes of order. In turn, this particular person guarantees everyone’s safety. Such a contract minimizes the disputing and thus promotes the peace in the society.

Hobbes and Politics

Hobbes was moreover very much a student of political science. He believed that to be able to have any peace, a strong figure such as a king should be present. In the absence of that, there would be wars and threats. He was also opposed to the system of government known as democracy. This is because he believed that it would be chaotic as people would have many conflicting opinions.

The Role of the King

In the eyes of Hobbes, the king was the most important person in the whole structure of the nation. The king was capable of making laws, punishing offenders, and keeping people in order. He was of the opinion that kings need to be tyrannical. Without a firm king, all organizations collapse.

Hobbes’ Views on War

Hobbes was averse to war. When he looked at war, he saw it as man’s competition with one another for power or resources. Above all, he was nonviolent. He thought that war can be circumvented by having a good ruler to control the citizens.

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Hobbes, Does He has a Positive or Negative Relationship

To what extent, or rather what is the range of the views of Hobbes regarding the nature of man? Is there a possibility that people can be good in his view or all of them are bad? From the literature we have looked into, Hobbes perceived most people as immoral by nature. For him, that is why a strong government was imperative, as human beings were bound to come into conflict with one another. In this regard, Hobbes held a dim view of human nature. 

Hobbes’s opponents

Some people did not share Hobbes’s opinion. Some called it an extreme view of society. They thought that every nation can be governed without a tyrant. They maintained that Hobbes’s ideas are not as good as democracy and freedom. Opponents maintained that Hobbes was obsessed with control and intimidation.

Hobbes’s defenders

That said, a great many found Hobbes’s position compelling. They considered his reasoning about the necessity of a powerful state convincing. They contended that peace and security were far more essential than individual liberty. For them, there was no debate about it; according to Hobbes, it was imperative to have strong rule in order to curb all forms of violence and unrest.

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Beliefs regarding humanity and society were held strongly by Thomas Hobbes. He believed that men are, by nature, evil and thus a ruthless leader is needed for safety purposes. In social contract theory, he thinks that for every society to function and achieve its order, some freedom has to be sacrificed for the sake of safety. Other people go against him; however, a lot of people believe in his strong government theory. It is relevant when considering sociopolitical issues and views of humanity, how Hobbes’s theories were formulated.

Frequently Asked Questions

What did Hobbes believe about human nature?

Hobbes believed humans are naturally bad and selfish. He thought without rules, society would fall into chaos.

What is the social contract?

The social contract is the idea that people give up some freedom to a ruler in exchange for safety and protection.

Did Hobbes think democracy was a good idea?

No, Hobbes did not believe in democracy. He thought a strong leader, like a king, was better for keeping peace.

Why did Hobbes think we needed a strong government?

Hobbes believed a strong government was needed to control people and prevent fighting and war.

Did everyone agree with Hobbes?

Many people disagreed with Hobbes. They thought he was too focused on fear and that democracy would work better.



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